I’m James Marcus, author and travel coach at Seat 17A. If half-cans of soda, 30 inches of legroom and rewards points get you excited, then you’ll like it here. Why 17A? It’s a great window seat in most planes and every blog deserves a name, right? I seriously considered calling this blog Passenger 57 but I was talked out of it. In my travel origin story, I detail how travel has changed my life.

Having a beer after riding bikes in Bruges, Belgium
I once saw a cat on a leash in Paris. Cats walk around like they rule the world, this cat was no exception:
Some snaps of my face:
- Rome 2012
- Oregon coast 2014
- Banff, AB, Canada 2016
Note: there’s nothing to buy on this website and I don’t allow sponsored content. Occasionally, I may use an Amazon link in a post where I earn a commission if you make a purchase.
Contact Seat17A / James
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I require a backlink and advanced permission. Most photos are my original work.
For this or something else email me: author(at)seat17a.com.